Everybody Hates Whatever They Think ‘Wall Street’ Is: WSJ
Wall Street has become the Rorschach test for angry voters, but no one knows what they're looking at.
Wall Street has become the Rorschach test for angry voters, but no one knows what they're looking at.
It's high time this nation came to a consensus on the legalization of marijuana.
Contracts are now integrated into an end-to-end system, and efficiencies abound.
Yes, Kasich DOES count.
Ed. note: Happy Thanksgiving! Above the Law will be dark tomorrow for the holiday and on a reduced publishing schedule on Friday, November 27. * This is one way to make sure atheist voices are heard... and immediately mocked. [Indy Star] * A roundup of fun and wacky recent cases. [Texas Lawyer] * A practical guide for lawyers looking to embark on annual planning. [Associate's Mind] * Finally, resolution on Judge Ashley Tabaddor's lawsuit against the DOJ after the DOJ ordered her off all cases involving Iranians based on her heritage. [PAAIA] * It's the holidays, so take time to catch up with friends -- just make sure you do it in this incredibly photogenic way. [The Onion] * John Kasich takes a swing at the big dog, Trump. This is one time that invoking Godwin's Law doesn't seem like hyperbole. [YouTube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=qCQhBYEMRQI&app=desktop
A GOP Debate "Fallacy Index" that “highlights each candidate’s average use of fallacious statements.”
* The method for securing drunk driving convictions is coming under fire. I'm not as think as you drunk I am officer. [Times Union] * Hillary Clinton is bringing back the issue of liability for gun manufacturers. [Overlawyered] * The bar exam-pocalypse continues. [Bar Exam Stats] * The sad state of Alabamans' voting rights. [Talking Points Memo] * Lawyers have known this for a while: six-figure jobs don't equal happiness. [Alternet] * Remember how John Kasich seemed super-chill and liberal during the first Republican debate? Yeah, he isn't. [Lawyers, Guns & Money] * Do you feel like your legal career has left you behind and you're struggling with a case of failure-to-launch disease? At least you aren't alone. [Law and More]
From training to technology, uncover the essential steps to futureproof your law firm in a competitive market.
Let's get drunk again and talk politics and Spinal Tap.
You didn't want to watch tonight's festivities sober, did you?